

Network Assessments for Broadcast-style Town Hall Webcasts

Broadcast-style Town Hall Meeting, Corporate Events Online

Internal Communication Directors and Event Producers don’t like texts and emails that read, “The webcast is down.”

How can this be avoided?

When an organization decides to produce live streaming video for broadcast-style Town Hall Webcasts, certain steps must be taken in the early stages of preparation, on the network side of things, to set the groundwork for a positive experience for the audience and the presenters.

Here’s a quick overview of what these steps look like...

Network Assessment

The audience of a Town Hall Webcast will likely view the webcast by accessing the internet through the company network from corporate offices.

Therefore, it’s essential to involve IT as soon you’ve made the decision to broadcast your Town Hall Meeting, in order to perform a Network Assessment for live streaming video.

In our process, for example, we will work side-by-side with the organization and venue IT departments to identify many points of data within the network.

But initially we want to understand...

    How is the network configured for the corporate offices to access the internet?
    How do remote employees access the internet?
    What is the internet capacity of the network?
    What is the internet utilization during the time period the webcast will occur?
    What Ports and Protocols are allowed through the network?
    Where is the origin location for the webcast?
    How is the network configured for the origin location?
From here, there is the preliminary set of data to start producing a Communication Technology Plan for a broadcast-style Town Hall Webcast which will determine how the broadcast will be transmitted through the company network, from the origin location and received by the audience.

If you are considering streaming live video for an upcoming Town Hall Meeting and would like to know more about where to begin, please click the button below to get in touch with us.

Contact Us

Or, you can give us a call directly at 630-214-9817

Topics: Broadcast-style Town Hall, Broadcast-style Webcasts, Communication Technology Assessment